Library model_validity_generic

Generic constructions for the models, regardless of CBV/CBN

Require Import model_structure.

Module forcing_generic_properties (ks : Kripke_structure)(sforces_implementation : sforces_instance ks).
  Export ks.
  Module ks_monad := Kripke_structure_monad ks.
  Export ks_monad.
  Export sforces_implementation.

  Notation " w ||- A ; annot " := (Kont sforces w annot A) (at level 70).

monadic unit and bind (no monad laws à la functional programming are checked, since this is not necessary for our purposes, that are just to use them to structure proofs)
  Definition ret {w annot A} : sforces w annot A -> Kont sforces w annot A.

  Definition bind {w annot A B} :
    (forall w', w <= w' -> sforces w' annot A -> Kont sforces w' annot B) ->
    Kont sforces w annot A -> Kont sforces w annot B.

The sforce and Kont defined on *lists* of formulas

  Fixpoint sforces_cxt (w:K)(annot:bool)(Gamma:context) : Type :=
    match Gamma with
      | nil => unit
      | cons aA Gamma' =>
        prod (sforces w annot aA) (sforces_cxt w annot Gamma')

  Notation " w ||++ Gamma ; annot " := (sforces_cxt w annot Gamma) (at level 70).

  Lemma sforces_cxt_mon : forall Gamma w annot, w ||++ Gamma ; annot ->
                          forall w', w <= w' -> w' ||++ Gamma ; annot.

  Lemma sforces_cxt_mon2 : forall Gamma w annot, w ||++ Gamma ; annot ->
                           forall annot', leb annot annot' -> w ||++ Gamma ; annot'.

  Fixpoint Kont_cxt (w:K)(annot:bool)(Gamma:context) : Type :=
    match Gamma with
      | nil => unit
      | cons aA Gamma' =>
        prod (Kont sforces w annot aA) (Kont_cxt w annot Gamma')

  Notation " w ||-- Gamma ; annot " := (Kont_cxt w annot Gamma) (at level 70).

  Lemma Kont_cxt_mon : forall Gamma w annot, w ||-- Gamma ; annot ->
                       forall w', w <= w' -> w' ||-- Gamma ; annot.

  Lemma Kont_sforces_cxt_mon2 : forall Gamma w annot, w ||-- Gamma ; annot ->
                                forall annot', leb annot annot' -> w ||-- Gamma ; annot'.
End forcing_generic_properties.

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