Library model_structure

A carrier structure for the models

Require Export syntax.

A structure that validity will be defined on:
  • a pre-order wle of worlds K
  • a monotone "exploding node" predicate X on worlds and formulas, stratified at two levels (the boolean flag), one intuitionistic, the other classical
  • a meta-level reset to go down from the classical to the intuitionistic level when the distinguished atomic formula Bot is being exploded on.

Module Type Kripke_structure.
    Parameter Inline K : Set.

    Parameter wle : K -> K -> Set.
    Axiom wle_refl : forall w, wle w w.
    Axiom wle_trans : forall w w' w'', wle w w' -> wle w' w'' -> wle w w''.

    Parameter X : K -> bool -> formula -> Set.
    Axiom X_mon : forall w annot A, X w annot A ->
                              forall w', wle w w' -> X w' annot A.
    Axiom X_mon2 : forall w annot A, X w annot A ->
                               forall annot', leb annot annot' -> X w annot' A.
    Axiom X_reset : forall w annot, X w true Bot -> X w annot Bot.

    Notation "w <= w'" := (wle w w').
End Kripke_structure.

Module Kripke_structure_monad (ks : Kripke_structure).
  Export ks.

Kont is the dependently typed continuations "monad" that will be used to define "weak forcing" given a more primitive relation F of "strong forcing"

  Definition Kont (F:K->bool->formula->Type)(w:K)(annot:bool)(A:formula) :=
forcing at classical level:
    if annot then
      (forall w1, w <= w1 ->
         (forall w2, w1 <= w2 -> F w2 annot A -> X w2 annot Bot) -> X w1 annot Bot)
forcing at intuitionistic level:
      (forall C,
       forall w1, w <= w1 ->
         (forall w2, w1 <= w2 -> F w2 annot A -> X w2 annot C) -> X w1 annot C).

  Hint Unfold Kont.

Monotonicity property for wle of Kont (that does not depend on the one of its parameter F)
  Lemma Kont_mon {F} :
    forall w annot A, Kont F w annot A -> forall w', w <= w' -> Kont F w' annot A.
End Kripke_structure_monad.

A module type that prescribes what is expected of sforces, which is concretelly defined later vo CBV/CBN, so that generic properties (also proved later) can be stated.

Module Type sforces_instance (ks : Kripke_structure).
  Export ks.
  Module ks_monad := Kripke_structure_monad ks.
  Export ks_monad.

  Parameter sforces : K->bool->formula->Type.
  Parameter sforces_mon : forall A w annot, sforces w annot A ->
                          forall w', w <= w' -> sforces w' annot A.
  Parameter sforces_mon2 : forall A w, sforces w false A -> sforces w true A.
  Parameter Kont_sforces_mon2 : forall w annot A,
      Kont sforces w annot A ->
      forall annot', leb annot annot' -> Kont sforces w annot' A.
End sforces_instance.

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